Like Wine, You Can Get Better With Age

Like Wine, You Can Get Better With Age

Sign up for a geriatric fitness program

Getting older doesn’t have to slow you down. Put a new spring in your step when you sign up for a geriatric fitness program at Mike Garrett Fitness. Our low-impact classes focus on:

  • Enhancing your mobility
  • Strengthening your muscles
  • Increasing your range of motion

You’ll look and feel young again after a few sessions at Mike Garrett Fitness. Call us today to learn more about our geriatric fitness program.

Who should take our geriatric fitness classes?

Any and all seniors are welcome to take our classes, but the program is especially designed for people with:

  • An orthopedic condition like arthritis
  • Hypertension or another form of high blood pressure
  • A joint replacement or injury
  • Physical weakness or limitation

If this sounds like you or a loved one, call us at 973-536-7283 to get started with geriatric fitness classes.