Get in the Best Shape of Your Life

Get in the Best Shape of Your Life

Hire a personal trainer today

Do you feel like the workouts you're doing on your own aren't really cutting it? Several factors can influence the effectiveness of your workouts, including:

  • Your physical fitness level
  • How much time you have to work out
  • Whether or not you have access to a gym and equipment

At Mike Garrett Fitness, we work hard to ensure that every workout you complete with us will be as effective as possible. Call 973-536-7283 to speak with a personal trainer near you about your fitness goals.

We work for you

We work for you

We center our custom training plans around our clients' needs and goals. Our plan options include:

  • Aquatic training sessions - Swim or do water aerobics for a low-impact exercise.
  • Corporate programs - Work out with your coworkers.
  • Group sessions - Take classes with your friends, at home or at the gym.
  • Personalized nutrition plans - Learn the best way to fuel your body.
  • Custom schedules - Work out at the best time for you.

We'll design workouts that you can follow with whatever equipment you have in your home or office. Getting in shape doesn't have to require tons of bells and whistles. With your body weight and a little bit of floor space, you can complete a full-body workout. Reach out to us today to start learning how to live a healthy lifestyle.